Make Something

1. Intro

Why this guide?

There are other guides out there. This is my approach:

  • be fast
  • be solution-oriented
  • minimize inputs and maximize outcomes
  • use outsourcing to design + develop our app (not necessary, but this is the main focus)
  • developing our mindset is key
  • examples are the best way to learn*

*examples are currently in progress — sign up for the newsletter (yup, it’s a trap.)

My goal is for you to launch an app.

Why am I making this?

To empower people (i.e. you) to make a difference. My hypothesis: you understand your problems, and would be able to solve them best if you had the right processes and mindset.

“Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.”

Lots of people have ideas for apps. Some of those ideas are bad, and some are good. But, having ideas doesn’t get you anywhere. Acting on those ideas will help you learn the difference between a good and bad idea, and even help you turn your bad ideas into good ideas. How you approach a problem, design your solution and execute on it will make all the difference. Doing is the best way to learn.

Who is this for?

This was written specifically for non-technical founders.

You don’t need any skills to start, what you do need:

  • a unique perspective (everyone has this, but you might need to work to find yours)
  • a desire to learn (most people will say they have this)
  • discipline to follow through (this is the tough one)

Our goal isn’t to make millions with our first app, our goal is to build something and to learn as we go. You can turn your idea into a real thing, and learn while you do it.

Do I need money to start?


The less money you have the more you will have to do on your own, and the smaller your first project should be. This just means you will need to learn a diverse set of skills as we go, which is great. Constraints are the key to creativity.

Once we get to the point of hiring people, your job instead will be to find co-founders. Working through this guide will help you with that.

Once the examples are up, they will include all of the money spent in turning them from idea to app.

How does it work?

We start with your idea and each section guides us through the process, step by step, of making something. Each section is broken down into several tasks with a time limit.

If a task is taking too long, just stop where you are and move on to the next task, you can always circle back if you need to. Try to keep your forward momentum.

“Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”
Steve Jobs

I may start selling this guide or related materials in the future, but for now, it’s all free.

Contact Me

If you have a suggestion or question, let me know. Email me,

If you’re planning to use this, email/tweet (I have 9 followers! @sobbuh_) me and let me know. I’d love to hear about what you’re working on. I might make a slack/discord group if there’s enough interest.